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Date: June 15, 2021

Official Notification and Certification



An open public jural assembly was convened, of "We THE People" retaining our sovereignty provided by our Creator, of the land called Connecticut, a Free and Independent nation=state 1662. On Jan 14, 1639, the inhabitants of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield conjoined themselves by the Fundamental Orders of 1639 as one public state or commonwealth. This was followed by the Fundamental Orders of New Haven Colony Nov 6 1643.  Certified summary of minutes are attached and included along with the attached: 


Articles of Confederation, ratified November 15, 1777, and in force March 1, 1781, specifically calling attention to: Article II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States in Congress assembled, the Greenville treaty August 1795, the Charter of Connecticut 1662, Declaration of Independence of July 4 1776, ratification of the Constitution 1788, the Bill of Rights 1776-1791, and all lawful documents revoking, rescinding all amendments thereafter.


In so ratifying and adopting the amendable usage of the above attachments, "We the People" of Connecticut, a Free and Independent state, desire to serve Notice upon the World, through any and/or all available media applied and freely dispersed; including by, but not limited to/through, de facto United States Postal Service in accord with this Notice establishing, through this Notice. Connecticut, a Free and Independent state Declares nation=state (status), by the will of "We the People" on/in/of Connecticut, a Free and Independent state, the land.


No assumptions and/or presumptions shall be presented against, nor changes made to this Notice.  We do not intend to join any affiliations with IMF, World Banks, United Nations, Federal Reserve or any/all such organizations. We are not affiliated with the Republic for the united States of America= RuSA or any other organizations seemingly representing states. We renounce all foreign alleged encumbrance/claims associated with the corporate United States Incorporated and corporate States and others, as debtors in every/any circumstance past/present/ future contracts, known=unknown alleged to hold private individual sentient, flesh and blood, living beings as collateral for same through fictional established "NAMES", governmental trust, religious trust, taxation, fees, permits, fines, ordinances, licensing, franchising etc., and unlimited other implied contractual sources as so brought forth by agents and agencies affiliated with the same; and corporate entities Internationally and Worldwide, without full knowledgeable=disclosure and consent to=of each and every individual.


We adhere to a Republican form of government couched in the Natural Law of which shall be a permanent law form, through lawful contractual agreements, privately and publicly and Natural law shall be the remedy in all disagreement.

Public Notice

CATEGORY           Public Notice CT: CONNECTICUT

NOTICE & ANNOUNCEMENT Connecticut a Free and Independent Nation

State Quo Warranto Board of Inquiry has been established to address the lack of Moral and Ethical actions pressed upon We THE People of Connecticut by the CT CORP's. Full Document of which may be read at website: The Quo Warranto Board of Inquiry will operate and function in concert with a Citizens Grand Jury. Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent. Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal. The opinions and views stated herein are not the opinions and views of this publisher.
June 15/2021-July20/2021


A Free and Independent state in which
“We the People”
Have come together in assembly, and have established a people’s assembly to inquire and address the State of Connecticut leaders in office, about the lack of due process of law and overreach of authority, which impose edicts upon the state that inhabit Connecticut and that are not for the protection, security and benefit of the people.

Official Notice to the Public can be found on our website at

The Connecticut assembly will operate and function with a de jure Grand Jury. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal, Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. The opinions and view stated herein are not the opinions and views of this publisher.

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