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CT People's Assembly

Standing Up For Medical Exemptions in CT

On Tuesday April 27, 2021 some members of the CT People's Assembly attended The Rise Up Rally in Hartford in front of the Capitol building. The purpose of this rally was to be the final stand for religious freedom and medical choice in Connecticut.

There was a large crowd of thousands attending, with several famous speakers showing their opposition to two bills (SB568 and HB6423) being voted on by the house and senate inside the Capitol. These bills if passed and signed by Governor Lamont, would essentially remove religious exemptions for children regarding vaccinations. Here is a snapshot of SB568:

AN ACT ELIMINATING THE NONMEDICAL EXEMPTION TO THE IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENT. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: That the general statutes be amended to eliminate the nonmedical exemption to the immunization requirement for individuals attending public or private school from prekindergarten through grade twelve, individuals in higher education and children in day care settings. Statement of Purpose: To eliminate the nonmedical exemption to the immunization requirement for individuals attending public or private school from prekindergarten through grade twelve, individuals in higher education and children in day care settings.

The other bill (HB6423) is quite lengthy, at 21 pages, and can be found here :

The bill details very specific vaccination requirements of school children of various ages. Please take the time to read this bill. Unfortunately, these bills passed the house and senate, and went forward to the Governor to be signed the next day, on Wed April 28, 2021. Governor Ned Lamont signed the bills.

Here is some video footage of the rally:

These bills are a violation of our God-given rights, and do not follow the constitution. Ned Lamont is violating is oath of office by signing these bills. If you are sick and tired of our elected officials repeatedly violating their oaths of office, please step up and get involved in CT People's Assembly! Our member interest form can be found at

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