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CT People's Assembly

CT People's Assembly - a De Jure Assembly, Not The De Facto Government

A people's Assembly is not a new concept. It is the fourth arm of the government and the exclusive voice of We The People. It is actually what the 1st amendment of the Constitution is talking about when it states that we have the right to peaceably assemble and to petition our government and redress our grievances. The Assemblies did exist in the past and lawfully held their public servants accountable for infringing on the rights of the people. But for many years the government has dumbed us down so We The People no longer remember the power that we truly have.

The government that we are currently seeing in power is a de facto government. De facto means "not lawful". This is not the system that our forefathers implemented or envisioned for our country. The current system is rigged against the people. Essentially, all of the indoctrination that we’ve endured in school teaches us their de facto way, and not the lawful way, because then they would have to be accountable for their actions. CT People's Assembly is a de jure (lawful) assembly that uses the legitimate due process of law to keep elected officials compliant with the oath of office they took to uphold the Constitution.

The de facto government has become too big and too powerful. They are using tyranny to keep the people afraid of the government. It is time to restore power back to the people! These public servants have gone unchecked for too long. The way to lawfully do this is through the Assembly.

If you are a patriotic, freedom-loving person residing in CT, then we encourage you to become a member of CT People's Assembly. You can visit our website at and fill out the Assembly Interest Form. Start the membership process today!

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